
Support Our Neurodiverse Team

Aspiritech’s donors allow our nonprofit to provide the essential support and programs that make us a leading provider of meaningful employment for autistic adults. If you can, please support our mission today.

Aspiritech Press Blogs

A brick wall adorned with the Aspiritech logo.

Aspiritech in the Spotlight on WGN Morning News

CEO Tara May had the opportunity to chat with the hosts of Chicago’s WGN Weekend Morning News on January 13 to talk about the work that our tech company does to employ adults on the autism spectrum.

Aspiritech Spotlights

A young woman wearing headphones holds a pencil while studying an open book.

How to Stay Focused When You’re Studying from Home - Advice from the Experts

Neurodivergent students are unique individuals with their own specific needs. From headphones and fidgets to visual aids and timers, CEO Tara May provides actionable tips for better study outcomes for neurodivergent learners on Desky's blog.

A lock and shield icon floats above an outstretched hand while the other hand holds a smartphone.

Experts Tap Into Common Data Security Mistakes Employees Make

Why consider neurodiversity in relation to cybersecurity? From filling vacancies with an underutilized talent pool to leveraging gifts in spotting anomalies, CEO Tara May answers this question in Retriever's article on data security.