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Autism Employment in the News for National Disability Employment Awareness Month

October marks the 75th anniversary of National Disability Employment Awareness Month.
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As the largest employer of a neurodiverse workforce in QA testing, Aspiritech celebrates this milestone and encourages businesses to increase diversity within their teams so they can benefit from alternative points of view. This month it feels that autism in the workplace is gaining some momentum in the media. 

Anderson Cooper’s 60-Minutes segment addressed the benefits of a neurodiverse workforce. More companies are identifying the many talents of individuals with autism, something Aspiritech recognized 12 years ago and built its entire QA Testing business around. Ernst & Young’s US chairwoman Kelly Grier explains to Cooper that their autistic employees have “saved the company millions of dollars by looking at problems in a different way.”

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By increasing diversity within their company, Ernst & Young saved money and solved complicated problems using “algorithms to shortcut and automate processes,” using the unique skills of neurodiverse employees.

In a recent article from Hays Recruiting Experts Worldwide, incorporating neurodiversity into workplaces is an important step but difficult for some companies that still have bias towards ableism. According to the article, supporting individuals and adjusting the hiring process are two key ways a company can build a more neurodiverse workforce. Aspiritchech’s Chief Marketing Officer Brad Cohen contributed to the article, saying a key element of Apiritech’s 95 percent retention rate is supporting employees.

“Even now during COVID-19, we employ 116 QA testers who are autistic plus a handful of support staff to help our autistic employees with both hard and soft skills. We also offer daily and weekend social activities, coding clubs, women’s groups and many other planned free activities to build an environment where our staff can shine and be effective QA testers for our paying clients,” says Cohen. 

Aspiritech offers many different options to help companies access the benefits of a neurodiverse workforce, from outsourced QA testing to consultation. If you are interested in tapping into the superpowers of an autistic workforce, contact us. 

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Aspiritech's team of autistic software testing specialists provides quality assurance, accessibility testing, data services, and more! Contact us to find out how we can support your team.