Aspiritech’s donors allow our nonprofit to provide the essential support and programs that make us a leading provider of meaningful employment for autistic adults. If you can, please support our mission today.
It’s been a year of transformation at Aspiritech.
In 2024, our new sales and marketing team has striven in tandem with our operations team to double our client list, exceed our growth goals for this year (ahead of schedule!), and—best of all—create more work opportunities for more autistic adults.
Aspiritech is working hard to lay the groundwork to expand our business lines in 2025, giving our team members the chance to leverage their myriad talents beyond their proven skills in quality assurance testing and data management. Additionally, the partnerships we’ve forged are essential steps in collectively supporting the neurodiversity movement on both local and worldwide scales.
But with an estimated 85% of autistic adults unemployed or underemployed, we’ve still got a long way to go in our efforts to make neuroinclusivity a common component of more companies’ cultures.
What Our Donors Support
While our growing team of autistic tech professionals earns every penny of their paychecks, the essential programs and accommodations that Aspiritech provides are reliant upon donors like you. These include:
As we turn our focus toward more collaboration, community, and creativity at Aspiritech in 2025, we’re asking you, one of our vital supporters, to chip in to keep the momentum going. With your help, we can continue setting the gold standard of what autism acceptance and celebration should look like in the workplace and beyond.
Let’s see what your generous donation can help us achieve in the new year!
“We hired them for the mission. We’ve kept them because they are excellent.”
Aspiritech, NFP