Attend Aspiritech’s 2024 Art Show on November 17
Come and discover the unique creative expressions made by Aspiritechers, meet some of the artists in person, and enjoy an afternoon with fellow supporters of the neurodiversity movement.
Aspiritech’s donors allow our nonprofit to provide the essential support and programs that make us a leading provider of meaningful employment for autistic adults. If you can, please support our mission today.
Come and discover the unique creative expressions made by Aspiritechers, meet some of the artists in person, and enjoy an afternoon with fellow supporters of the neurodiversity movement.
Lindsay’s extensive experience and results-driven mindset are perfectly aligned with Aspiritech’s goals for growth.
What I find most appealing about working at a company like Aspiritech is that my physical & psychological (& financial!) well-being is treated with utmost import.
The medical model conjures up a great deal of fear. It is hyper-focused on what’s wrong. When that’s all people see, of course telling people you’re neurodivergent comes with reluctance.
Quality assurance helps identify and prevent compliance issues before they impact users, as well as provides the documentation and evidence necessary to demonstrate regulatory adherence.
When you are wired for truth yet societal traditions model repressing truth or even marginalizing individuals for speaking it, then it is no surprise that you wouldn’t want to get out of bed to meet the world.
As AI technology continues to evolve, its applications and benefits will only expand, making it an indispensable tool for businesses looking to thrive in the data-driven world.
“Not liking change” is an ambiguous statement in and of itself because, in truth, a lot of people don’t necessarily like or immediately adapt well to change — especially changes in routine — whether they are neurodivergent or not.
Brad Zelinger is the Founder and CEO of Stride Autism Centers, a multi-state, center-based provider of evidence-based therapy for preschool children with autism.
Quality assurance testing is not just a technical necessity, but a cornerstone of developing reliable, efficient, and secure veterinary management software.
Come and discover the unique creative expressions made by Aspiritechers, meet some of the artists in person, and enjoy an afternoon with fellow supporters of the neurodiversity movement.
Lindsay’s extensive experience and results-driven mindset are perfectly aligned with Aspiritech’s goals for growth.
What I find most appealing about working at a company like Aspiritech is that my physical & psychological (& financial!) well-being is treated with utmost import.
The medical model conjures up a great deal of fear. It is hyper-focused on what’s wrong. When that’s all people see, of course telling people you’re neurodivergent comes with reluctance.
Quality assurance helps identify and prevent compliance issues before they impact users, as well as provides the documentation and evidence necessary to demonstrate regulatory adherence.
When you are wired for truth yet societal traditions model repressing truth or even marginalizing individuals for speaking it, then it is no surprise that you wouldn’t want to get out of bed to meet the world.
As AI technology continues to evolve, its applications and benefits will only expand, making it an indispensable tool for businesses looking to thrive in the data-driven world.
“Not liking change” is an ambiguous statement in and of itself because, in truth, a lot of people don’t necessarily like or immediately adapt well to change — especially changes in routine — whether they are neurodivergent or not.
Brad Zelinger is the Founder and CEO of Stride Autism Centers, a multi-state, center-based provider of evidence-based therapy for preschool children with autism.
Quality assurance testing is not just a technical necessity, but a cornerstone of developing reliable, efficient, and secure veterinary management software.
“We hired them for the mission. We’ve kept them because they are excellent.”
Aspiritech, NFP